That's right, she gets a picture on this... ;)
Do you ever feel like there are times in your life where you have nothing to really give or share with other people even though there are things happening in your life that you can talk about? That's how it's been. So I have no idea what I should write about. But for my friend Heidi, I will do my best.
OK, writing about nothing should be super easy for me, I'm so great at BS'ing through things.
I guess I can start this off with running. I am doing the Chicago marathon in October. Training for this marathon should've begun April 11th but I've been having problems with my knees and my ankles and with my self motivation so I've been holding back quite a bit. Turns out, it's making me frustrated with myself oh so much and I've started gaining weight from it. I'm not a person who likes to hold back on ANYTHING. So I've decided to give up sugary treats and carbonated drinks....again. I've been working on giving up carbonation for about....6 months and I knew I should give up the sugar too but figured one step at a time was the best move for me (WRONG). This time I can feel a difference in my attitude though. I want them but when I see them I think "I don't need you, Dr Pepper. There will be a day when I do but for now, I want to get healthy so I can run." and then I walk away. It's a nice feeling. I haven't completely restricted it from my diet BUT I'm wiser with the days that I will allow it. My sister and I have also decided that only 1 day a week, we can eat at a fast food place and I've been doing really good with that. There was twice that I've craved the fast food and we've been doing it for 4 or 5 weeks now. I'm very excited for this marathon though. I get to run it with my cousins and my aunt and I've never been to Chicago!! I know it's going to be a ton of fun and totally worth the work that I put into it. Plus my cousin has incentives for us when we run consecutively each week and if we can raise some money for the charity we are supporting with the run. See, I have much to help me reach the goals I've set for running and for my health. YAY for support!
So... It's funny, I have so many things going on right now that I can write about but I don't have much to say about them.
My brother is marrying his girlfriend, Jamie. They are getting married next month.
She's so cute. We're going to run a half marathon in July. Hopefully I'll be ready for that one. It will be a midnight run along the Legacy highway...with a full moon...with glow-sticks - SO EXCITED. I want to buy glow in the dark socks, head band, shoe laces, anything glowing!
My kids are living here. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Seriously, I found something I can write about for a very long time so I'll try to keep this one simple. My sister Janae is in the army and she is currently in Kuwait/Iraq. I miss her so much and I wish I could be a better sister and send her packages every month. I love talking with her over facebook and oddly enough I actually feel closer to her because I'm so worried about her. But her kids are here and they are my FAVORITE people. So for Tam's birthday, I got 4 2011 passes to Seven Peaks/Raging Waters and I'm so excited. I really hope the kids LOVE it.Gavin is freakin tall. This kid is going to be as tall or taller than me within the year, I swear. He's 10. He also has a size 10 foot...so hard to buy him shoes because he's growing so fast... I can still take him. He won't give anyone else a hug but me. I LOVE IT!! He's getting into Volleyball but I want him to run, mostly because it's my sport and no one in my family is a runner and it's lonely running by yourself and then to have no one at the finish line to say good job or pat you on the back or make you feel special in anyway, it's hard sometimes. But my family plays volleyball and I love to watch them play and wish I could play but rarely get the chance. So while my sister and brother were playing volleyball, I sprinted with Gavin and he's actually very fast. He just doesn't seem interested in it.Chae is 7 and she said she's interested in running. One night she got on the treadmill at our apartment complex and ran while we were in the other room. We heard her on the treadmill going VERY fast (for the record, she was accompanied by my brother-in-law). We walk in and she was going at a 7 speed which I think is an 8 mile/minute speed. Tam and I have taken her to a track and tried to run but she won't even go a mile there so my hopes aren't very high to have another family runner. :( But it's ok, I still love them. I wish they lived closer instead of the other end of the valley but it is what it is.Did I mention yet that my dog got pet of the month for May?? Yep, he did. I love my dog. I think out of everything in my life I have going on, the kids and my dog are the things that make me the happiest. I think it's because I have to be better when I'm around them. And it's incredibly nice being needed. Life keeps changing, all around me it keeps moving forward but I don't feel like I am moving with it. Around the kids and my dog, I feel like I have a place that needs me. :)
Wow, I really need a brownie. Or a cup cake. Oh look, a carrot....yum...