Thursday, May 21, 2015

For Real

Funny thing, life is... I read my last post about starting fresh a having a clean slate and I find myself laughing at the irony... I mean I really needed a new life when I wrote that and....Behold! I am in a new state. For real, a new state meaning location and not just a state of mind. It turns out that last February, I had an offer to move to Spokane, WA but my current company didn't want me to go. So they offered me Texas. And here I am. I've been here for 11 days and have enjoyed 11 days of threatening flash flooding as well as 2 nights of tornado watches (they all passed around my area). I've been LOVING it here until... Dun dun dun...The biggest threat I am actually facing is West Nile Virus.

I guess DFW has had 5-6 years of drought and then I get here and it's the opposite! Which is bringing on the biggest case of MOSQUITO infestation. So I drown myself in bug repellent and does it work? NO! My first set of bites were 6 on my left leg 3 days ago. Still there and still itchy. Then I only got 2 on my arms and they didn't really itch that bad but on the same day (which was 2 days ago), one got me right on the rib cage where my beautiful bra rests. It's S W O L L E N... So I today I cake on the bug spray and go for a 2 mile walk with my dog and wouldn't you know it, I'm itching like crazy... I feel a bump under my shirt so I take it off and around the area where "bug bite rib cage" is, there's 5 more little bites but my whole back is already swollen. WTF?? I seriously caked on the bug spray, there should only be the one bite. Time to die mosquitoes. If I'm going down, I'll take as many as you with me as I can. Yes, you might breed one million times faster than me, but I'm still going to try to fight. Actually, I'm not breeding at all but that's a different story and probably not going to happen.

Other than the bites, I'm loving Texas.The people are soooo nice and I feel refreshed with life. I haven't been able to get into the office yet, it's not going to be ready for another week, so I'm trying to work from home and it is so HARD. I can't stay focused and I want to get everything done at once. This includes all the work I need to do to be ready for a new office and also all the organizing that my home requires. Unfortunately, the two do not mix. But I do love the physical work that moving requires. And next week we'll be moving furniture into the new office so more physical work and closer to having a separated personal space from my work space which makes me excited!

I do wish I knew where to meet people here. I've gone grocery shopping for a week (Walmart, Target and the Home Depot) and while everyone is crazy nice, it's not the same as meeting people to actually do things with. My apartment complex is amazing. It's huge! And I swear everyone has at least one dog here. I meet a lot of people walking their dogs and always hope I'll re-run into them but so far, no go. It's a sad thing. If it didn't cost so much to move out of state, I'd join yoga or zumba somewhere or sign up for an arts class. But unfortunately, I'm going to be financially handicapped for a good couple of months.

But it's okay because honestly, I was suffocating in my world back home. I felt like I was barely alive. I felt like nobody could see me and I had lost myself. There are always times in your life when you have a clear view of who you are. Interaction with people define, circumstances in life build you, and sometimes you just grow without anyone else's influence but because something just clicks inside. But then sometimes the reverse happens. Same experiences, but different reactions...and it's like a cloud covers your view and fills your insides... Sometimes it happens so slowly that you don't realize its happened until you wake up one day and it's just there. I've tried to fight it for so long. Now I have a chance at a second life, I can make anything happen and I can be anyone I want. I need to be creative and optimistic. That's who I am supposed to be. I can stand on my own. But I need to create a actual life instead of just breathing through this one. This is my Eat, Love, Pray moment. Here is where I find myself. Here is where I find something to be passionate about. I'm excited for this opportunity.