Monday, August 24, 2009

No pictures, just blog!

So, totally being honest, today was a rough day. I woke up ok but then all sorts of things started bothering me. Issues I've forgotten about that I really need to deal with, things I can't stop thinking about but should. I felt like I couldn't control my thoughts! And THEN I got ready for work. I get to work and I'm feeling so bad about myself and I find out, our programming that controls 90% of what we do at work is down and nobody knows why. Perfect day for this to happen. But somehow I get through that and I'm thinking, I'm going home and not doing a single thing! I'll watch a movie or read a book or go to sleep. And then I thought about how badly I wanted to go to FHE and thought, 'Ok Heavenly Father, if I'm supposed to be at FHE then you just let me know and I'll go.' and you know what? I get a call from my FHE "dad" and he says, "Angela, I'm just calling to invite you to FHE tonight." How stinkin crazy is that?? That's stinkin crazy. Anyway, we end up playing ultimate frisbee and I had a blast. Got all the frustrations out, met new people, bruised the crap out of my hand but hey, we got the frisbee back so it was worth it. Did I mention I molested my friend, (sorry ang). Anyway, just goes to show that sometimes, God sends people to get us out of our poor me's and makes us enjoy life!

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